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I was always sure that there is nothing like gay or straight. In my opinion we are al born bisexual. And a lot of my experiences with "straight" boys proofed that. But let me start from the beginning. I walked a street which I knew had some gay venues as well. When I saw a guy in front of a restaurant I tried to persuade him to show me his private parts. So far so good. He was almost broke ? so it was an easy job. But this time I realized that this was not the type of young man which I am looking for. So I was happy that he also didn`t want to go ahead. I continued my search in front of an employment office. And what I found there was amazing. A very cute guy. And straight. Straight? Well, he claimed so...

Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55
Czech Hunter 55